To be or not to be. That was the questions Hamlet asked of himself. Now republicans in congress need to be asking themselves the same thing.
Upon entering the fray of Washington, the freshman vowed to stand up to the business as usual crowed and most of all the republican establishment. That, for whatever reason is not happening. Perhaps it is the fear of the government shutting down that has them stumbling. I, however do not think so. I believe it is the pressure of the republican leadership that is keeping them from razing all the hell that they are capable of. Instead of watching the fur fly...we are watching the dog cower in the corner. And that, fellow Americans is completely unacceptable.
Fear is a strange thing. It can keep you from trying, and from succeeding.
Failure is easy......success never is, and it appears that our freshman, like water or electricity, are taking the path of least resistance.
We need to give them a wake up call and let them know its gonna be ok. To hell with the leadership, band together and fight. We will be with you.
Deus Vult!
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